Have you ever wanted something sweet while enjoying your wine but didn’t know what would actually pair with it? Do you have a “go-to” sweet treat but want to know what wine will be a good match?
What originally started as researching wine and candy pairings for Halloween has been transformed into an everyday guide! Keep reading to see which wine pairs with your favorite candy or which candy you should keep in the cabinet to go with your favorite wine!
Milk Chocolate & Pinot Noir
Lets start with the basics! You can never go wrong with a simple milk chocolate. Think M&M’s, Hershey’s Kisses, and Dove. If these are your favorites, look to pair with a Pinot Noir. The sweet creaminess of milk chocolate pairs nicely with a lighter more fruity Pinot Noir. Add in the light crunch of something like a Kit Kat or Nestle Crunch for a little more excitement without going overboard on flavors!
Chocolate Peanut Butter & Cabernet Sauvignon
It’s well known that chocolate pairs well with a bold red like Cabernet Sauvignon. The combination of peanut butter and chocolate are about as classic as it gets. It only makes sense that chocolate peanut butter candy and Cab are perfect together! Reese’s is always a favorite and there are so many Reese’s variations available today! Others that come to mind include peanut butter M&M’s or Butterfinger!
Fruity Candy & Rosé
Fruity candy needs a wine that will complement the sweetness without adding to it. A Rosé blends with the already present fruity flavor while the acidity helps balance the sugar! Think of Skittles, Starburst, or Airheads for this pairing!
Chocolate Caramel/Nougat & Prosecco
Chocolate with caramel and nougat is already a rich combination of flavors and sweetness! You need something like and bubbly like a Prosecco for balance. The bubbles seem to cut through the thickness of the caramel. Prosecco pairs nicely with candys such as Milky Way, Rolos, or 3 Musketeers!
Sour Candy & Sauvignon Blanc
Pairing a wine with a sour candy is all about finding balance. The light refreshing qualities of a Sauvignon Blanc make it perfect to counteract that sour pucker! If you love Sour Patch Kids, Warheads, Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers, etc, Sauvignon Blanc should be in your fridge
Dark Chocolate & Zinfandel
Dark chocolate is one of those that some people love and some people hate. It is less sweet and more bitter than milk chocolate. A rich Zinfandel with dark fruity notes pairs well with dark chocolate. Both of them already have strong flavors which compliment one another nicely! Think Hershey’s Special Dark, Lindt, or Ghirardelli for this paring!
Complex Chocolate Bars & Red Blends
Blends of multiple rich flavors automatically make a candy complex. Snickers, for example, has milk ch0colate, nougat, caramel, and peanuts! A bold Red Blend pairs beautifully with the richness of these flavors! Other complex chocolate combinations include Baby Ruth, Heath Bar, and Turtles.
White Chocolate & Moscato
White chocolate is sweet, creamy, and has a unique taste unlike anything else. The delicate bubbles in a Moscato compliment the luxuriousness without competing with the flavor! Lindt or Ghirardelli are once again great options for plain white chocolate. If you want to add just a little more, think Hershey’s Hugs or Cookies and Cream and white chocolate Kit Kats!
Honey/Marshmallow Flavored Candy & Chardonnay
Originally part of my Halloween candy collection, this includes seasonal favorites like candy corn! The ultimate love it or hate it candy has an intense sweetness with flavor notes of vanilla, marshmallow, and honey. An oaked buttery Chardonnay helps to balance these flavors! Others in this category include Bit -O-Honey, Circus Peanuts, and even Peeps! I have to admit I am a candy corn fan but I think Chardonnay gets the short end of the stick in this collection!
So many of these have the ability to overlap flavors and can be mixed and matched to find your favorite flavor combination! I’d love to hear your feedback or suggestions of your favorite wine and candy pairings!
Thank you for visiting my page and As Always,
Happy Sipping!